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Important liposuction facts you need to know

Cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat from the body to improve body appearance and smooth irregular body shapes is liposuction. It is also called body contouring. Liposuction can be used for contouring the neck, under the chin, cheeks, abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, thighs, hips, knees, calves, and ankle areas. Recovering from liposuction can be difficult. Complications from liposuction are rare but can be fatal.     Let us learn some of the most popular procedures: Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection) The most common type of liposuction is tumescent liposuction. Before removing the fat, a large amount of medicated solution is injected into the affected areas. At times, the solution can be three times as strong as the fat to be removed. During and after surgery, local anesthetic helps numb the area. The procedure might not require anesthesia. Epidemiologically, epinephrine reduces bleeding, swelling, and bruising. It also helps remove fat more easily. Usually, this kind of liposu

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